Property Management

We will manage your property and its tenants on a day-to-day basis to ensure it is maximised to its full potential, whilst implementing your objectives for the building. We can utilise our existing service providers to ensure a professional, first rate service, or we can use your preferred contractors if you wish.


We believe in a hands on approach to manage the property and seek ways in which to add value. The protection of your interest is paramount whilst we wish to ensure tenant satisfaction at the property.


Service Charge Review

Whether you are paying a service charge and want to check your proportion and amounts you are being charged, or if you want to ensure you are recovering everything you are able, we can advise.


Rent Reviews

Rent reviews are a mechanism under a lease to bring the rent in line with the current market, or other assumption as per the lease. Should you need assistance in negotiating your review with the other party we can assist, utilising our detailed knowledge of the current market trends and rental values. Should the matter need to be taken to third party we can present your case.


Lease Renewal

Early involvement with a Chartered Surveyor, or your solicitor, is necessary for any lease expiry as there may be strict timescale which need to be adhered.

If you wish to negotiate a new lease we can act on your behalf to negotiate the best terms commercially. We can also liaise with your solicitor through to completion of the lease.


Lease Restructure

Should your requirements change during the term of your lease we would be happy to negotiate with the other party to incorporate your amendments and add a commercial-input into the process. Examples include additional breaks, more flexible alienation provisions so you can assign or sublet, amend the service charge, or even simply surrender and grant a new lease.


We will follow this process through to completion, working with your solicitor.


Lease Consultancy

We work closely with you and your requirements to provide a bespoke strategic service and to develop an innovative solution to your lease negotiation needs with consideration to the local market. We provide advice on offices, retail and industrial and have acted on behalf of family trusts, limited partnerships, private investors and SME occupiers. We offer:

- Rent review

- Lease renewal

- Lease restructure

- Breaks

- Advice on service charges


Advice on Breaks

If you wish to exercise your break we can advise on the best way to manage this, and lead you through the process, to achieve optimal results.

If you don't wish to exercise your break you may be able to secure capital from the landlord, again we can advise and assist.

Similarly, as landlord you may also need advice on your, or tenant, break options. We can advise on your strategy to achieve the best results.

Early involvement with a Chartered Surveyor will achieve the best results. You position is likely to be compromised if you leave the matter until closer to the actual date.


Property Acquisition

Whether you are taking (or granting) a new lease Property Consulting can advise on Heads of Terms to ensure they are in line with the market and are the most advantageous for your company.


We also undertake lease due diligence if you are buying a building with existing tenants to advise on the current leases and any lease opportunities or restrictions which could impact on the rental income and capital value.